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更新时间:2025-03-10 21:10:10
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1. The first step a company can take toward building a more responsible business is to prepare a sustainability report.

2. We have a lot of work to do and can take it step by step out of the public eye.

3. Analysts also say that would help the country take a small but significant step toward opening its capital account.

4. It can take a significant step toward qualifying for the last 16 if it comes out on top against Celtic.

5. There are hopes that they could take a decisive step forward in talks for a UN climate change pact due to be signed in December.

6. It has taken a courageous step many of its counterparts elsewhere in the country have been hesitating to take.

7. Inspired by the brilliant Irish dance show " River Dance, " the creator of " Spirit of the Dance " wanted to take things a step further.

8. The team that handles adversity with the most aplomb will take a big step towards victory.

9. If Japan can take this step, it will find a way out of its current predicament.

10. " North Korea should take a step forward toward the dismantlement of its nuclear weapons, " he said.

1. I think no z one is surpris, but probably a lot of people Online are curious about how China is going to take it`s Online next step during this global economic recession.

2. take a step在线翻译

2. Done this task it is a continuous task in accordance with step is to complete the focus is dying in front of him that archaeologists and archaeologists around the altar that which step is to find an Ancient Artifact to take that a little bit difficult for the elite around the circle of 48 odd Artifact center needs a jump in the lava above it in order to get to see your task, but the process should be completed in...

3. YGE has 30% of revenue outside Europe, but I don`t think YGE would take a further step in USA next year because YGE`s most installation business occupied in Europe. Companies like YGE, SOLF and so on are less experienced in US market.

4. I would take it a step further and say one of the best thing about Flock is those Flockstars out there.

5. I am a firm believer in the fact that if we take the initiative and take the initial step, God will help us to complete that goal.

6. If it was that easy to visualize a safe bridge to the new pay world, it world be lot easier to take the initial step..

7. Within a few months AVIC I and its smaller state-owned rival AVIC II will take an important next step.
在未来的几个月内,AVIC I将和另一家国有的规模较小的竞争对手AVIC II走出重要的一步棋。

8. Take a sip as the last step. Keep the wine in your mouth to feel the acidity and the strength of alcohol.

9. In accordance with the standard of service for the position Services such as the guests serve to guests on Caiming should take a step back. 4, how to put table, table cloth shop, we were assigned to the International Shuicheng Sadian of the restaurant, learning table cloth shop, before dinner, and the training side tray. 5, In charge of us to explain, at work, if the case of an emergency incident, can not solve their own thing or deliberately making things difficult for guests, how should do?

10. In accordance with the standard of service for the position Services such as the guests serve to guests on Caiming should take a step back. 4, how to put table, table cloth shop, we were assigned to the International Shuicheng Sadian in the restaurant, learning table cloth shop, before dinner, and the training side tray. 5, In charge of us to explain, at work, if the case of an emergency incident, can not solve their own thing or deliberately making things difficult for guests, how should do?

11. By Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens Take my hand, take a breath Pull me close and take one step Keep your eyes locked on mine, And let the music be your guide.

12. take a step

12. Beginning today I will take a moment to step off the beaten path and to revel in the mysteries I encounter.

13. We are dedicated to helping people take charge of their health, one step at a time.

14. We can take this a step forward by going to the points per 100 possessions rating I referenced earlier, which takes into account the extra turnovers other players pick up with Bryant on the bench.

15. When he chose to take a walk it was with a regular step in the entrance hall with its mosaic flooring, or in the circular gallery with its dome supported by twenty red porphyry Ionic columns, and illumined by blue painted windows.

16. Take a step back, be clear on what you want to do.

17. Normally, I have been to take a step back attitude to deal with the mistakes of the students.

18. But what if we take a step back and ask ourselves, what`s this pattern here?

19. take a step什么意思

19. We need to take a step back and approach the problem from a slightly different direction.

20. take a step的意思

20. I really couldn't do the things I'm capable of doing, so I decided to take a step back.

Let's take a step back into why you started the creative process in the first place.(让我们回想一下,最初你开始产生创意的原因。)
They are not inclined to take a step, so I cannot see any future of compromise.(他们无意让步,所以我看不到任何妥协的前景。)
Now, to explain what just happened, I'll take a step back.(现在,为了解释一下刚才发生的事情,我将要后退一步。)
Take a step back and get some clarity on the situation.(退一步海阔天空,让局势清晰明白。)
Ask them to take a step back, explaining that you're pathologically claustrophobic.(向对方解释你有幽闭症,要求对方后退。)
Take a step by pushing upwards through the glute (bottom) muscle of your back leg.(后腿大腿肌肉发力推起你的身体顺势向前迈一步。)
Well I have to take a step back and explain a little bit.(好吧,我必须退回去解释一下。)
It's harder to take a step back and ask, "How does this apply to the whole company?"(但是退后一步问问自己“这件事对整个公司有何影响”则比较困难。)
Like a good running back, it's willing to take a step back and look for openings.(就像一个好的跑卫,会主动后退一步寻找机会。)
So take a step back, switch off the automatic pilot and actually stop and reflect about things like our priorities, our values, and our relationships.(所以退一步,关掉自动驾驶,停下来思考一下我们的优先事项、价值观以及人际关系。)
take a step是什么意思 take a step在线翻译 take a step什么意思 take a step的意思 take a step的翻译 take a step的解释 take a step的发音 take a step的同义词